Getting to work at the 50th peasmaker!
This does feel like a special moment because I’m working with my 50th peasmaker this week! And it’s one that fits this milestone perfectly: regenerative leader La Junquera & The Regeneration Academy in Murcia.
(Please note that this text is translated by Open AI as I write my all my peas in Dutch)
When I started my journey with the first peasmaker Ivar van Dorst, on September 1 2022, I had no idea how this adventure would unfold. Were food changemakers waiting for my arrival? Would there be enough places to visit? Would you all be interested in my stories?
Yes, yes, and yes again! Because what an adventure it has been. I have never learned and done so much in 1.5 years. And more importantly, I have never met so many beautiful people. Peas of Me has become, for me, and I hope for others, a project of hope.
And even though 50 is a nice number, my journey is far from over. I am returning to Portugal for some special places, and then the Dutch changemakers will be calling again. But now I also think a lot about how I can share all the knowledge I gain even better. Because we can learn so much from all these inspiring farmers and companies.
More about my peasmaker of this week, La Junquera of Yanniek Schoonhoven and Alfonso Chico de Guzmán, later. Here, I am surrounded by a group of young people who, with passion, breathe new life into 1100 bone-dry hectares in the most desertified area of Spain. Speaking of hope…
📷 Yesterday during work in the vegetable garden with the students of the Regeneration Academy.
Ik ben Chantal en reis door het land in mijn camper searching for peas. Ik maak verhalen vol inspiratie over peasmakers; voedselveranderaars die werken met hun hart en zo de wereld veranderen. Ik ga aan de slag bij ze voor een dag of week. Zo leer ik hun missie beter kennen en kom ik erachter wat hen drijft als persoon. In de tussentijd probeer ik te ontdekken wat het voor mij betekent om een goed leven te leven. Mijn ervaringen deel ik met jullie.