Personal update and (Christmas) wish for 2024
My (Christmas) wish for 2024 is that we focus on what we can change. This not only makes you a happier person but is exactly what is needed to change the world.
(Please note that this text is translated by Open AI. I write my all my peas in Dutch)
Yes, despite everything, I have hope for the new year. I witnessed so many positive things happening this year, so many people who want to change the world with their hearts. People who believe that we can handle food differently, that love and connection are the core of everything, and who stick their necks out for it every day.
Advancing that movement and directing all energy towards the change that is already happening: that remains my mission. I believe more than ever in the power of togetherness. This was most palpable for me on one of the most special days of the year: the day all peasmakers came together.
I am currently in the Netherlands, but my Peas of Me journey will continue in Portugal in January. And after that… I don’t know yet. I’ll go where the wind blows and try to follow my heart and intuition.
In addition to my journey through the food chain, 2023 was also about my personal journey. It was intense and beautiful at the same time; I have never undergone such a significant transition. But that journey never stops, of course. I’m not very good at being gentle with myself yet, and I still don’t always believe that I am good enough. I want to grow further in that.
You are indispensable on my path, and I realise that all too well. Thank you for reading my stories this year and helping me on my journey in whatever way you did. I feel supported in achieving my mission 💚
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a hopeful and healthy 2024 with lots of love. Peas ✌️
Ik ben Chantal en reis door het land in mijn camper searching for peas. Ik maak verhalen vol inspiratie over peasmakers; voedselveranderaars die werken met hun hart en zo de wereld veranderen. Ik ga aan de slag bij ze voor een dag of week. Zo leer ik hun missie beter kennen en kom ik erachter wat hen drijft als persoon. In de tussentijd probeer ik te ontdekken wat het voor mij betekent om een goed leven te leven. Mijn ervaringen deel ik met jullie.