I’m Nat puts Algarve almonds in the spotlight

My first peacemaker of 2024 is the young entrepreneur Miguel Rodrigues. It is his mission to give Algarve almonds the spotlight they deserve.

(Please note that this text is translated by Open AI. I write my all my peas in Dutch)

My camper is stationed in Faro this week and after each workday, I retreat into it smelling like a crispy roasted nut. I’m currently working at I’m Nat, the company that Miguel started in his parents’ kitchen in 2018. During that time, he was deeply involved in fitness and healthy eating, with nuts and nut butter being essential parts of his diet.

Miguel’s love for nuts has a foundation. He grew up in the Portuguese Algarve, where almond trees (along with carob, orange, and olive trees) are integral to the landscape. However, Miguel noticed that local almonds rarely get the recognition they deserve, mainly ending up at (tourist) markets. Surely, there must be a way to change that?

Driven by the goal of making almonds a continued part of the local economy and landscape, he takes action. Miguel builds relationships with local almond farmers and starts developing recipes. The result is a range of nut butters, roasted nuts flavoured with, for example, local Fleur de Sel, and snack bars made from nuts and dried fruit.

The type of products Miguel creates is far from ordinary in Portugal. The I’m Nat Originals line with local ingredients is sold in more exclusive stores targeting a conscious audience. However, I’m Nat also supplies supermarkets and food services. These products, though, are not made from local ingredients due to the higher cost, presenting a significant challenge in these channels.

Yet, Miguel chooses to make products from foreign ingredients like peanuts, cashews, and Californian almonds. This allows him to increase production volume and keep his factory running for more hours in a day. Miguel admits that it feels a bit contradictory at times because it goes against his mission. However, he recognises the harsh reality of the predominantly price-driven market. The profit Miguel hopes to generate with increased volume is intended to be reinvested in strengthening his brand, giving more attention to local products.

The biggest challenge for Miguel and his three-person team is acquiring the right knowledge and skills to excel in roasting and coating nuts and making spreads. Further growth in the (northern) European market is also a challenge. I’m working with them this week to help them move forward.

How can you help?
🌰 If you have a store and are interested in I’m Nat products, get in touch with Miguel.
🥜 If you want to taste I’m Nat products yourself, Miguel also delivers in the Netherlands via his own webshop.
🥥 Are you or do you know a specialist in roasting and coating nuts or making nut spreads? Let me know.