Arrived at ‘home away from home’ Outbase Explorers

Last Saturday, I landed in Portugal to meet my first southern ‘peasmaker,’ Freek Steinmann. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to start this adventure because Outbase Explorers feels like a home base, and that’s exactly what Freek aims to create here in the Algarve.
(Please note that this text is translated by Open AI. I write my all my peas in Dutch)
2.5 years ago, Freek started Outbase Explorers in his beloved Portugal with the idea of renting campers in a way that would provide customers with total peace of mind. The pandemic threw a wrench in the works, and the original plan was shelved. However, Freek and his girlfriend, Holly, didn’t sit still.
The old farmhouse with 3 hectares of land has been transformed into a beautiful hub that brings together various cultures and focuses on letting people (as sustainably as possible) enjoy the gifts of the land. Two guest rooms have been created in the converted farmhouse, and five back-to-basic camper spots have been established among the fruit trees. Oranges, olives, and carob are grown on the property.
Harvest from their own land
In recent months, Freek and Holly have been organizing supper club dinners: special theme-based dinners featuring as much of their own harvest and local farmers’ produce as possible, served to both locals and tourists. I got lucky and got to attend the “bonfire” themed dinner, which was enchanting and delicious.
Camping in this place is just as delightful and enchanting. The starry sky here is magical, the silence in the morning is deafening, and the view of the sea is stunning. You can shower in an outdoor shower or take an ice-cold dip. After just one day, I already feel like a different person.
In the meantime, I’m getting to know the Portuguese landscape and what grows here. I stroll among the orange and olive trees, marveling at the variety of the latter. I practically stumble over wild fennel and sage with every step. I spot pomegranates and almond trees and smell lemons. Wow!
A farmer by chance
Freek’s challenge is that everything is new to him. He became a farmer almost by accident and is exploring the role of the crops on his land. Currently, he sells them to traders, but processing them himself and using them for Outbase Explorers could also be an option.
But the main question now is how to make tangible what Outbase Explorers is and how to entice people to come and experience it. Standing out amid the competition in the Algarve is no walk in the park.
I hope to further assist Freek with this challenge in the coming days, and I’m curious to hear how you perceive Outbase Explorers.
Ik ben Chantal en reis door het land in mijn camper searching for peas. Ik maak verhalen vol inspiratie over peasmakers; voedselveranderaars die werken met hun hart en zo de wereld veranderen. Ik ga aan de slag bij ze voor een dag of week. Zo leer ik hun missie beter kennen en kom ik erachter wat hen drijft als persoon. In de tussentijd probeer ik te ontdekken wat het voor mij betekent om een goed leven te leven. Mijn ervaringen deel ik met jullie.