A reminder of why I am living the live that I’m living
After feeling a sense of imbalance in the weeks leading up to my departure, I suddenly realized – as I gazed out over the bay of San Sebastian – once again why I chose to live this life: the tremendous freedom.
(Please note that this text is translated by Open AI. I write my all my peas in Dutch)
I’ve covered nearly 3,000 kilometers by now. Through Paris, San Sebastian, Santander, Luanco, Madrid, and Cordoba, I’m almost arriving in Sevilla. For the first 5 days, my friend Kim was my travel companion, and it was wonderful and fun not to start this new chapter alone.
Since yesterday, I’ve been on the road all by myself. The initial solitary kilometers were spent in tears, not out of fear or loneliness but due to the overwhelming sense of freedom that suddenly washed over me. Every road lies open before me. My calendar is blank, and no one expects anything from me. In reality, it’s my own expectations of what I should achieve or do that limit me.
Letting go has been my life motto since I turned 40, and I’m getting better at it. This is quite convenient because the past few days have been full of ‘first times’ and challenges. Within an hour of departure, I had a crack in my windshield. Driving my camper through mountainous terrain and bustling cities. Spending the night alone in a remote camper spot. Not knowing where I’ll be in a week, a month, or a year.
But I haven’t experienced fear yet. The more I trust my intuition and feelings, the more things fall into place. By continuing to trust in that, the months ahead will also take shape. This weekend, I hope to reach the Algarve to visit my first “peasmaker,” Freek Steinmann. I’m looking forward to getting my hands dirty again. Oranges, olives, pomegranates… new food for thought!
Do you have any tips for places I should visit in the south of Portugal and Spain? Feel free to share your thoughts!
Ik ben Chantal en reis door het land in mijn camper searching for peas. Ik maak verhalen vol inspiratie over peasmakers; voedselveranderaars die werken met hun hart en zo de wereld veranderen. Ik ga aan de slag bij ze voor een dag of week. Zo leer ik hun missie beter kennen en kom ik erachter wat hen drijft als persoon. In de tussentijd probeer ik te ontdekken wat het voor mij betekent om een goed leven te leven. Mijn ervaringen deel ik met jullie.